Service Orchestration and Automation Platforms (SOAP): How Fortra’s JAMS Fits in the Landscape

At Fortra, we consider automation a discipline, not just a singular product. Sure, individual automation tools can lead to quick wins by taking a repetitive task off your plate. But to reap the full benefits of automation across your organization—increasing efficiency, decreasing errors, and maximizing resources, both human and technological—you need to take a more

Are Native Schedulers Holding You Back? Three Big Challenges of Native Scheduling Tools

Native schedulers seem simple enough. They’re cheap, already installed with your platforms, and provide the basics—like backups, script execution, and simple time-based job scheduling. But after a while, the simplicity of Windows Task Scheduler, cron, SQL Agent, and other native schedulers reveals themselves to be quite complicated. In a perfect world, jobs always run reliably

MVP Customer Ohio Department of Public Safety Saves Millions with Legacy Modernization

The Ohio Department of Public Safety’s transition from the mainframe offers valuable insight into the benefits of legacy modernization. The lessons learned apply broadly to IT pros, but are especially relevant to those who rely on well-architected automation and scheduling in a mainframe environment. The challenge of creating a “Windows-based environment that met or exceeded