Automated Billing & Payroll

Amedisys’s billing, payroll, and accounting processes required several sequences of jobs to regularly generate invoices, export electronic claims, and export information to journal entries. The jobs were managed by a custom-built scheduler that lacked advanced functionality, and that still required manual processes to complete every step.

Insurance Suite Batch Processing

Jewelers Mutual provides comprehensive repair and replacement insurance policies for jewelry. The company runs a series of critical jobs against its insurance suite and orchestrates data loads into its analytics platform and data warehouse every night.

Automating Fuel Oil Delivery Logistics

An Australian utility manages its entire load and order process for fuel oil across 23 terminals. More than 25,000 file transfers, JDE jobs, bank transfers, and ESB triggers come together daily to support critical business processes.

End-to-End Business Processing

A U.S. government agency’s infrastructure group was inundated with many menial tasks, and needed its complex processes to have “reliability of programming”. With JAMS orchestrating each task, the agency has brought uniformity to the time and conditions under which processes execute.

Automated Order Processing

TGW (The Golf Warehouse) needed an efficient method to move orders from its ERP system to its warehouse system. This process uses an EDI to gather related data from the ERP database and transfer it (via SFTP) to cloud-based tools for a comprehensive customer experience.

TGW uses JAMS to combine PowerShell, SQL*Plus, and Ecometry jobs into unified business processes. Their ability to build workflows in a single console has greatly reduced the manual hours needed to connect jobs on different platforms.